sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013


Christmas in Ireland is a little bit different from Spain. In my Irish house there are a lot of decorations in the house. They have two pines with all kind of decorations like baubles, canes, snowmen, Santa Claus, stars... but they don’t have a crib. Irish people don’t usually put up the crib. They celebrate Christmas day on the 25 of December with a big lunch-dinner. The main course is turkey and the dessert are minced pies. On the 24 of december they don’t do anything special. Some people go the church but nothing more. During the night they give the presents or they leave the presents for the children and they open them the next day. On the 26 of December they´ll celebrate St Stevens day and you might say to me: what’s that? Well, St. Stevens day is the day that people meet with their friends and they go out for drinking and chatting. The pubs that day are crowded with people. At new years eve, they have a special dinner but it isn’t a big dinner and later they go out with the family or with friends.

Irish people don’t celebrate the kings so for them Christmas finishs by New Year day. In fact the winter sales starts on 27-28 of december. One more thing the fool day isn’t on 28 of December like in Spain they celebrate that day on the first day of April. 
Happy New Year and I hope that you have a good one.
Celebrating the last day of the year in the academy

viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013


On 7th of December we celebrated a Christmas party in the academy. It was my first party in the institute and I´d like to tell you that it was very funny. The party started at 7 pm but I was a little bit late arriving at 7.15 pm. There were a lot of people inside when I arrived. Two brazilian guys were singing portuguese songs while we were eating and chatting. During the week our class was rehearsaling a Christmas carol which we had to sing at the party. The song was "Happy Christmas. The war is over" by John Lennon. I’ve never listened this song in Spain but I have to say that I like it. It’s a catchy song. Firstly we rehearsed the song with the original song and the next days we rehearsed without music only with the sound of the guitar. Cathal, our teacher, plays the guitar and he played the song while we were singing it. There are 7-8 people in class but unfortunately that day there were only 3 of us. Daiana, Cristina and I but we didn’t care. We did it. We sang very well. After that the rest of the people sang two more Christmas songs.
During the party, I met different people who come to the academy in the afternoon and at the weekend. When the food finished. We played a game. The game is “musical chairs” I don’t know what the name is exactely in English but it’s the same game in Spain. There are a lot of chairs together in a circle and the music is playing as people are moving in circle. There is one extra person than there are chairs and when the music is stopped everyone has to sit down. The person who is standing up, lost the game. It continues until one person is the winner. I played but I was out very soon. The winner was a girl. She’s from Norway and she won the prize. The prize was money but I don’t know how much money she won.

When the party in the academy was over everybody went to Grace’s pub. We were celebrating Christmas. We drank a few shots. In the smoking area we met two irish guys. One of them spoke very clear and I could understand him but I couldn’t undestand anything the other one said. He’s from the north of Ireland and he had a strong accent that was quite difficult to understand plus he was drunk. In conclusion we had a very good night and we enjoyed it a lot.

Merry Christmas,
With Jolie and Andrés

With some friends

At Grace´s pub

All students from Avanti school

Spanish students

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


There are some different things in Ireland than in Spain. Nowadays the sun sets at 4.05 pm so at 4.30 it is completely dark. It’s curious but in the evening you can see a lot of people in the street walking with yellow bibs or orange bibs. At the beggining I didn’t understand why the people used them but now I can understand it. There isn’t enough light in the street. You can see only properly on main street but on other streets the light is scarce. You must put a bib on because the cars can run you over if they don’t see you. Another thing is that the ambulances sound is very annoying. You can hear the sound from one side of the town to the other. It’s incredible. The drivers must be deaf. At Christmas the council installs speakers on the main street and you can listen to the christmas carols. One thing that catchs my attention is that people in Ireland don't feel the cold like the spanish people do. I've seen children working out without sweatshirts only wearing shirt on cold days. I usually wear a hat, gloves and neckwarmer but they don't wear anything like that. It's strange, isn't it? Also I've seen girls wearing little dresses without putting coats or warm clothes on at the weekend. We are in winter time, you know. I'd like to see these girls in summer in Spain. They would go out completely naked. The teenagers are two faced in Ireland. On one hand, they are very polite. For example when we finish our work out every child says thank you to all the coaches. Every time they say thanks but on the other hand they are very filfthy. In the main street there is a fast food shop where every child goes and you can see the street full of rubbish. They don't use the waste baskets. It's a pity.
I´m going to tell you that in Tesco metro there is a beggar who plays his accordion outside.I always see him at 9.00 am and at 8.00 pm so he spents all day there. He always plays the same Christmas song. Can you imagine listen the same song during 11 hours every day? Sorry, but I couldn’t do it.

Take care yourself.

Any afternoon in Naas

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013


I’ve been checking the prices of the flights to Spain during these days but they are very expensive. It’s normal. Everybody wants to go back at Christmas. I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t want to pay 400 euros for going and returning. The prices of the flights are cheaper this week than the next week so I’ve finally decided to go this weekend. Yes, I’ve booked the flight for this weekend and I’m going to return to Ireland on the 27 of December. I’ll stay 2 weeks in Spain. I know that it’s not too much time but the prices after New Year Day are very high and also I didn’t want to stay until 9-10 of January. So I’ll see everybody in a few hours.
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody.

I´ve just received this present from Naas FC. Thanks a million.

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013


This is my fourth week working as a football coach and I want to tell you that it’s not easy for me. Yes, you can think is only football and everybody knows about it. It’s true but I have more knowledge than I can explain in English. Sometimes my explanations aren’t good enough. The children understand me just because I always do the demostrations before the drills are done although I’m happy because everyday I feel more confident in myself and I’m able to talk without thinking in Spanish. Last Sunday morning I had a funny anecdote. One of the balls was flat and I wanted to inflate it but I didn’t know what the name of the machine was which inflates the balls. In Spanish it's bomb so I shouted to the coach out: Antho, have you got a bomb? Everybody laughed and in that moment I got it. Imagine that Antho had answered: yes, in fact I have one in my car. Go there. Haha Another anecdote was when I was counting the number of one team and when I finished I said: ok, guys, let’s start, we have the same number of the other team, we have ocho (eight).
I work out two days a week with the club Naas AFC (every Monday and Wednesday from 6 to 8pm) and Sunday morning with kildare academy. Naas fc is trained by Mike. The team is under 11 years old and there are 3 other coaches who help him. The team has 15 players and there are 4 coaches like in Real Madrid and Barcelona. On Monday we work out on the artificial pitch and we usually do tecnique exercises and ball possesions and on Wednesday we do combination activitites on the natural pitch. These days the weather isn’t too bad for training but the bad weather is coming. On Sunday morning I train with 2 teams. The first team is from 10.00 to 12.00 pm. They’re under 10 years old and we do skill exercises like: pass, control, dribling... They are easy exercises. Later at 12.00 pm I work out with a team under 14. Good lads.

It´s a hard morning because it’s a long time outdoors in cold and windy weather. I will get used to it. From my personal point of view the knowledges of the coaches aren’t enough. They have good manners but they make a lot of mistakes. For example, they separate the team into 2 groups: defenders on one side and midfielders and strikers on another side. Football is a team game, why do they separate them?
See you soon,

Naas FC is the white's team

Throw in

Owen is protecting the ball

Trying to get the ball back

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


During the week I was preparing for the weekend I knew that there’s a bowling alley in Naas because I went there during my summer camp so I proposed to go there at the weekend. I talked with Cristina, Silvia, Natty, Claudia and Silvia. All of them wanted to go and I also talked with Daiana and she told me that she’d like to go. Firstly, I called to the bowling alley because I needed to know where exactly it was and how we could get there. They said to me that there was a bus which stops beside the bowling alley. They also told me that we neeeded to make a reservation because it’s usually very busy at weekends. Because of this I made the reservation for 6 pm on Saturday for six people. We made an appoinment for 5.15pm at the bus stop but nobody was there on time except me. I saw the bus at 5.20pm but on the timetable the bus runs at 5.25 and Daiana didn’t appear. We couldn’t call her because we didn’t have her mobile phone. Anyway, the bus had passed and the next bus runs at 6.25 so I rang Claudia and she came to pick us up. Claudia had to come to Naas because she lives in Newbridge for that reason we were late to the bowling alley. I thought that we couldn’t play but there were enough free lanes and we could play. The cost of the lane for six people is 36 euros and we were only five but there was an offer that consists of paying only 10 euros per person and you can play two games and they give you coke and a French fries so we decided to pay 10 euros each. 2 games, food and drink, not too bad.
The first game I won as you can imagine. I scored 115 points I don’t remember which it’s my record in Spain but I think is quite close to 115 points. The next game it wasn’t my best but I had to pleasure to the ladies meanwhile we were eating and drinking. When we finished the bowling we were to Naas and we went to Mc Donalds. After that we went to Grace´s pub. We were chatting and drinking until midnight. Definitively it was a good evening. We enjoy a lot of.

Best wishes,
Cristina and I

Bowling team

Doing spare

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013


Last day we did an exercise in class about use of comparatives. The teacher told us that we could do whatever topics we wanted so I decided to talk about my classroom and my classmates.
I’ m going to describe my English class. The classroom is as small as a box of matches. The room has a big window so it’s as bright as a daylight. It has a big whiteboard. it’s as white as a sheet and also the room has a chimney but it’s as fake as five euros coin. There are eight people in the class. Natty, Nora, Alex, Daiana, Sandra, Eli, Cristina and me. Natty, the Japanese girl, she’s as sweet as a candy chocolate. She has a slanting eyes. Her eyes are as close as a mail box. Nora works as a aupair. She lives close to me. She’s as lovely as a dozen roses. She has a beautiful smile. Her smile is as perfect as Beethoven’s music. Eli, the catalan girl, is as smart as Google. She has a perfect body. Her body is as spectacular as a ballet dancer.
Sandra is from Basque country. She comes Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She’s as pretty as a diamond. Her blonde hair is as bright as the sun. The only other boy in the class is Alex. He’s from Moldavia. It’s a small country between Russia and Rumania. I’ve never known anybody from Moldavia. He has lived in Ireland for seven years. He has come this week. He’s as cold as a Russian soldier. He looks like as quiet as a spy. Cristina, the Spanish girl, comes here two days a week. She’s as sporty as an athelete. She’s as funny as cartoon characters. Daiana, the argentinan girl, works as a au pair. She is from Mendoza like she always says. She’s as warm as a puppy. She has colourful eyes. Her eyes are as beautiful as a gold.
Finally, Cathal is our English teacher. He’s a PE teacher like me. He’s as shy as a boy. He has a curly brown hair. His hair is as curly as Gonzalo’s dog.That´s all, folks.
Best wishes,
Some of my classmates

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013


There’s a pub called “The Court hotel” in Naas that there’s karaoke every Wednesday night.  It’s a good place for drinking and dancing. It’s very big with two floors, nice people and very well-known because a lot of people go there on the weekend. The karaoke starts at 10.30pm until 1.30 pm and after that there’s dance music until 2.30 pm when it  closes. The karaoke is supported by a speaker and he sings the first songs. We celebrated Victor’s leaving party. Victor is a guy from Barcelona. He studied at the same school as me although he only was here for 4 weeks. He’s a very nice guy although he’s sometimes a little bit absent-minded. We’ll miss him. There were six of us. Natty, Claudia, Silvia, Cristina, who works as an intern teacher in some primary school, and Maria, who works as an au-pair. Both of them I hadn’t met either of them before. They are from Spain and so am I. We arrived at 10.00 pm and we had drunk a few paints before we started to sing. There’s a book with the songs and you can choose one of them. It’s very difficult to choose only one because there’re a lot. Fortunately I had decided what song I would sing. The girls chose to sing “wannabe” by Spice Girls. They did very well although the song was quite difficult because the song is very quick. The second performance was given by Victor and I. Both of us sang the song “Imagine” by John Lennon. I like this song but it isn’t a good song for karaoke because it’s very slow but Victor had decided on the song and we sang it. I acted in the third position. I’d decided to sing “I’ll be there for you” by The Rembrants. I like this song because it’s the theme of the serie Friends. I knew the lyrics and for that reason it was easy for me. Everybody gave me congratulations at the end of the song. I think I gave a good performance and the last person who sang was the japanese girl, Natty. I’d made some rules before singing to the karaoke. Rules number 1- the songs have to be very well known 2- nobody should say what song they are going to sing 3- the song has to be in English and the last but not least was that it’s forbidden to take any videos o photos.
Natty broke one of the rules because she sang in Japanese. She did very well but nobody understood what she was saying. To sump up, the night was very funny. Everyone enjoyed it and Victor will have very good memories of that night. At least I hope so. 

All the best,
The Court hotel

Victor and I singing

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013


Last weekend I sent an email to Naas AFC. One of the football clubs in Naas. I told them that I worked as a football coach in Spain and I had played in third division for several years. Also I told them that I had a pro licence. They replied to me days later and the head coach wrote his phone number and he told me to call him. The next day I called him and we were talking and he said to me that on Sunday morning there is a football academy between Naas and Newbridge and I could go there. I don’t have a car but he picked me up at Tesco. The pitches are 10 kilometres from Naas. We arrived at 9.30 am and the work out started at 9.45 until 11.45. The level of the group is under eleven years old. The coach is Cooper and I was his assistant coach. The weather wasn’t too bad because it wasn’t raining but it was a freezing day. My feet were wet and I could scarcely move. The coach did a great job although the drills were a little bit dynamic but the explanations were good. I observed all the work out and I sometimes tried to say something but I didn’t have enough words to explain properly. The next group was at 12.00 to 14.00 pm in this group the coach let me to do a drill. He did a lot of exercises about possession and when he finished he told me it was my turn and I had to do any exercise about possession. I did one with 3 teams. Purpose: two of them have to try keeping the ball and the third team has to get the ball back, when the team recovers the ball, they have to keep the ball with the other team which didn’t lose the ball. My explanation wasn’t good enough but the players had done it before in their clubs so it was easy to understand it. That morning I learnt a lot of vocabulary about football and I hope to improve everyday. The next day will be on Monday. I promise to tell you more details about my experience as a football coach. At this moment I’m trying to listen and see the work out but when I have more confidence I’ll try to do my own work out.


On Sunday mornings

Football pitches

Kildare Academy

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


Natty's house
On Thursday night I had my first party at Natty’s house. I enjoyed it a lot. There were six of us. Claudia, Silvia (I didn’t know her although she’s studying at Avanti in the evening), Victor and two japanese girls: Natty, who is in my class and Aya, who is studying at Avanti as well. We gathered at 6:30 in Aldi’s car park. Aldi is a supermarket located close to Natty’s house. I had arrived first so I waited for the rest of the people. A few minutes later Silvia and Claudia arrived. We had to call to Natty because she was late. In the end she arrived with her friend. All together we were to her house. It was very beautiful and very cosy. We had the opportunity to meet the hostmum. She’s a lovely person. She’s an English and music teacher and she spoke to me about her previous guest meanwhile the girls were cooking the dinner. The spanish girls prepared a delicious spanish omelette without salt because they forget it. The japanese girls made an amazing oriental food. I can’t tell you the name of the food because I don’t remember it. Victor and I set the table and opened the red wine bottles as gentlemen does. We had dinner late around 10 pm because we didn’t have enough oil and eggs and we had to go back to Aldi to buy more. The girls made an omelette with eleven eggs. Oh my God!! I’ve never seen such a big omelette as that in my life.
During the dinner we were eating and drinking. It was a great dinner. We laughed a lot. The dinner was excelent with marvellous dishes and the company couldn’t  be better. We decided to repeat it again. Probably the next day would be when we have to say goodbye to Victor. The distance from Natty’s house to my house is a little bit far but fortunately Aya lives close to my house and her hostmum picked us up and she gave me a lift. It was late and I tried to sleep but it was impossible because I remembered the dinner and I couldn’t stop laughing.


Making the omelette

For clowns

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013


On Wednesday afternoon Eileen (my irish mother) asked me if I’d like to go to the gym with her. “Why not”, I answered. She always goes there. She’s a sporty woman. The gym is located near to Monread Park and it’s one of the best gyms in Naas. Matthiew (Eileen’s son) said to me that there are 4 gyms in Naas. The gym is like Talamillo gym in Burgos. It has a 25 meters swimming pool, different rooms for doing colective classes like body pump, streching, pilates, bodyball, zumba, step and so on. Also there is a big room with all kind of machines for running, weights and cycling. We went to the gym with Matthiew. He wanted to do spin so I decided to do it with him too.
I think that everybody knows what spin means, don’t they? Spin is a static cycling that is done to music and the monitor tells you what to do all the time. I’ve done spin a few times in my life but I like it.
This time was different because the monitor was Irish and I understood nothing only a few words like faster, stand up, sit down and no more. One time she looked at me and she shouted out: “heavy, heavy” but I didn’t understand her. I did a gesture with my hands and after that she didn’t tell me anything. It was a funny class although I couldn’t figure out anything. The next day Eileen asked me if I was ok but I had to tell her the truth. I said to her I had a pain in my bottom because the saddle was very hard but I enjoyed it a lot. I promised to go back. That’s all for today, guys.

Kisses to everybody except to one.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013


What do you do when you don’t know anybody on the weekend? A few things. On Saturday morning I went to the library and in the afternoon I wanted to see “The clásico” on the net because I have a goltv and I can see all the matches on the internet but that day I don’t know what happened that I couldn’t see the match. The signal didn’t work every two minutes so I went to the pub to see the match. I was in Grace’s pub like the last day. It was a very poor match. Messi was missing but at least Barcelona won the match 2-1. “The great boy” Alexis scored a great goal and Ancelotti made a big mistake in his line up like the latest matches that Real Madrid played against Barcelona. During the match, an old man sat beside me. He was talking to me all through the match but I didn’t understand him and I only nodded my head and said “yes, yes”.
At night I was in my room watching the film “The hangover”. I imagine that everybody has watched it because it’s a very funny film. I laughted a lot although I had watched it when I was in Spain.
On Sunday I didn’t do anything special. I went to the church and I spent the day at home. The next day was a bank holiday in Ireland so I did the same than Sunday. Nothing, just chill out.
I’ve done a deal with my Irish mum. She has a hairdresser in her garage and one day she told me that she might cut my hair so being fair with her I told her if she cuts my hair I’ll mow the lawn. They have a big lawn. I’ve never mowed a lawn in my life but I don’t think that it’s very difficult so we agreed and we decided to exchange our skills.


miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013


Typical irish door
The times is going very quickly. On Wednesday I went to the library. I wanted to have a library card for taking out books and some films. I did it and later I studied for a long time. There was a girl who asked me if I were spanish and I told her I was and she replied me that she was a spanish too. She’s from Pontevedra and she has a very typical gallego accent (like Pichaldo when he lived in Galicia). She’s Mónica and she’s nice girl. After we finished our studies we went walking beside the canal. I haven’t been there before. It’s a very good place for walking. I liked it. Finally we exchanged our numbers phones. After that I went to my house.
The next day I continued exploring the town. I went to the Tesco extra again. On Friday morning I went to the academy but I was watching a film in the library because I don’t have class on Friday. My classes are from Monday to Thursday. In the evening I went to Grace’s pub. I like seeing live performances. I don’t remember the name of the musical group but they were amazing. They played well known songs like Sweet home Alabama, Whisky in the jar, High by Lighthouse Family, Feel by Robbie Williams and so on. That was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. Meanwhile I drank a pint of beer. There weren’t a lot of people in the pub because the great day for going out was on Sunday. On Monday it was a bank holiday in Ireland.

Peace and love

Look at I found

The canal

sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013


On Sunday morning as I told you I went to mass and in the afternoon I was at home. The next day was my first day of class. I was a little bit nervous. The classes last 4 hours from 9 to 1 pm. The first person I saw was Natty. She’s from Japan and as with all oriental people she’s very cool. She lives with an Irish family too. We’re between 10-12 people it depends on because a lot of people work as au pair and they usually work in the morning so for that reason isn’t not always the same people in the classroom. We’re from different nationalities although we’re more spanish people. The teacher is Cathal and he’s from Newbridge.
In the afternoon I’m explored the town. I went to the Odeon cinema asking about the prices and timetables and also I was in Tesco extra on Monday. Tesco is a big supermarket that in the past opened 24 hours but now it opens until midnight. It’s 40 minutes by foot from my house.
On Tuesday I went running. Naas is a good place for running because there are a lot of parks and good places for doing exercises. The only big problem is the bad weather. That day the Murphy’s law occured to me. It didn’t rain in the afternoon but I went for running it started to raining. What a fuck bad luck!!
Yours sincerely,

Some of my classmates

The black way

The big Tesco

The council Town

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


On Sunday morning I wanted to go to the church because I think it’s important to listen and improve my English. I went to St. Mary’s church at 11.50 am but nobody was entering to the church and I saw that the building was being repaired so I decided to go to another church I knew that there was one in Balleycain and I tried to go in that direction. I took a shortcut but I got lost. Finally I could found it. The first strange thing for me was that the church was circular like in the circus and the priest was in the middle of the mass.
It’s a small church but a lot of people inside in. Another thing was that in the middle of the mass some people carry a blue bag ( no basket like in Spain) for collecting money and five minutes later another guy does the same but with different bag (red bag). I didn’t know why reason there were 2 bags. Everybody gave money except me. I have to say that I didn’t understand anything in the mass only a few words like holy, lord or Jesus Christ and a few latin words like amen or aleluya. During the mass I was laughing because I was remembered a joke about a priest told to me by JM (Jorge Mallón, don’t confuse with Jose Mourinho). The joke is something like this: “There is a teenager priest with a pain in his ass who goes to the hospital and says to the nurse: “I’ve got a pain in my ass” and the nurse answered: “quickly, to the priest room”. hahaha
And the last thing was at the end of the mass. The deliver of the Eucharist or the strongest hit (ostias) isn’t given by the priest. It’s given by normal people and everybody goes to eat it except me.
The most incredible thing was that the priest was reading the mass with his tablet. Yes, he used an Ipad. I couldn’t believe it! Oh, my God!! What will happen if during the mass the tablet doesn’t work because it hasn’t batteries?? Only God knows.

Balleycain's church

The front of the church

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013


I was picked up by my Irish mother. She’s very nice and talkative so that’s great for me. She works as housewife and she likes doing exercise. Her name is Eileen and her husband is Michael as me because they called me Michael. He’s retired although he was a military. He’s nice too. They have three sons and one daughter. On Sunday they invited me to have lunch and I met Matthiew and Dan, two of the sons. They like football and they suppport of Liverpool and Manchester United as everybody does in this town. Dan is unemployed at the moment and Matthiew is a soldier as his father was.
My room isn’t big but it’s enough for me. The bed is big and I have a bathroom in my room so that’s great. The house is a big house with five rooms and 3 or 4 baths. Also the house has a living room, dining room and laundry room. The lawn is beatiful and big too. The house is well connected to the main streeet and very close to the supermarket called Tesco similar than Mercadona in Spain. The quality isn´t bad and the prices are good.

To sum up, the family are quite friendly and very nice at the moment.

The living room

The kitchen

The dining room

The garden

My room with bath

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


My English academy
On 19 of October I took off from Madrid to Dublin and I had a few problem that day. Firstly, I did my check in properly but my suitcase was overweight. The limit is 20 kg and my suitcase was 21,5 kg and the fucking girl told me that I had to lose weight or I would have to pay extra money and I decided to lose weight as I carried a handbag I put 1,5 of stuff in my handbag.
When I landed at Dublin airport I didn’t know what time it was and I thought that it was 6:30 pm I got on a bus direction to Naas but when I got off my host family weren’t at bus stop as we had agreed the day before. I was angry because it was 7:45 and I told them that at 7:30 pm I would be there and I was late only for a few minutes. It wasn’t my fault. My english academy was in front of the bus stop and there was light on so I decided to go there and the problem was that it wasn’t 7:45 in fact it was 6:45 so for that reason my host family didn’t arrive.

With the suitcases in my hands the manager director told me: exam!! Oh my God!! I thought. I had just arrived at Naas and the director had an exam for me. I couldn’t believe it!. At least my exam wasn’t too bad.

Flying to Dublin

At bus stop in front of my academy

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


Welcome to Naas
Where is Naas?? Naas is located 40 kilometers from Dublin so more or less 30 minutes by car. They are 20.000 inhabitants and it’s well connected to the rest of the cities in Ireland. The county is Kildare and Naas is his capital.

What about Naas? I knew Naas before because I was here twice times. My first time was in 2010 when I worked as a leader of a group of spanish students and the last time was in 2011 doing the same work. So this town is perfect for me. It’s small town with all kinds of facilities like pubs, supermarkes, a cinema, a hospital, gyms, a Mc Donalds... and the most important thing the people. People in Naas are very friendly and cool.
Kindest regards,


The library

The main street

Pub and fast food shop

The blue house