domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


My English academy
On 19 of October I took off from Madrid to Dublin and I had a few problem that day. Firstly, I did my check in properly but my suitcase was overweight. The limit is 20 kg and my suitcase was 21,5 kg and the fucking girl told me that I had to lose weight or I would have to pay extra money and I decided to lose weight as I carried a handbag I put 1,5 of stuff in my handbag.
When I landed at Dublin airport I didn’t know what time it was and I thought that it was 6:30 pm I got on a bus direction to Naas but when I got off my host family weren’t at bus stop as we had agreed the day before. I was angry because it was 7:45 and I told them that at 7:30 pm I would be there and I was late only for a few minutes. It wasn’t my fault. My english academy was in front of the bus stop and there was light on so I decided to go there and the problem was that it wasn’t 7:45 in fact it was 6:45 so for that reason my host family didn’t arrive.

With the suitcases in my hands the manager director told me: exam!! Oh my God!! I thought. I had just arrived at Naas and the director had an exam for me. I couldn’t believe it!. At least my exam wasn’t too bad.

Flying to Dublin

At bus stop in front of my academy

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