viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Last Friday I held my leaving party. It was my last day in Burgos and I decided to celebrate it. My friends and I met at 9:00 pm and we enjoyed with the meeting. I want to say thanks to Torres (Tower, the crazy man) for your hospitality and say thanks to all my friends and their wives that were there with me in my last day in Burgos. Also I’d like to thank to the rest all my friends and family who called me and gave me their best wishes and told me I have a good time in Ireland. Thanks to everybody.
Some of my friends
No doubt the best moment of the party was when I received my present. I didn’t want anything and it was a surprise to me. I know that my friends are very dirty minded and I expected the worst from them but fortunately I received one the best presents that one can receive when you are abroad. The present was a hip flask (is a steel bottle which you put alcohol into). That was so perfect because the price of alcohol in Ireland is too expensive. So I promise when I use it I’ll remember them.

Kind regards.

My friend "The hip flask"

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