viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Firstly, I’d like to say to you is that this text is written in English. Sorry about guys that  but don’t worry if you don’t understand anything because you can use the google translator if you want. I know it’s not the same but at least you cant understand what I want to tell you.
Writing the blog
I’ll try to write one text a week, maybe more it depends on my time and my mood. Secondly, I chose this title when I saw an advertisement for Coca-Cola entitled “Chairs”. If you haven’t see it yet I recommend that you see it. It’s a very good advertisement as usual as it’s made by Coca-Cola. I liked it and for that reason I chose this title. What if we stand up? Let’s move on. I hope that you enjoy reading my blog as I’m doing it.

Cheers and ssssoft!!!


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