miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


On Sunday morning I wanted to go to the church because I think it’s important to listen and improve my English. I went to St. Mary’s church at 11.50 am but nobody was entering to the church and I saw that the building was being repaired so I decided to go to another church I knew that there was one in Balleycain and I tried to go in that direction. I took a shortcut but I got lost. Finally I could found it. The first strange thing for me was that the church was circular like in the circus and the priest was in the middle of the mass.
It’s a small church but a lot of people inside in. Another thing was that in the middle of the mass some people carry a blue bag ( no basket like in Spain) for collecting money and five minutes later another guy does the same but with different bag (red bag). I didn’t know why reason there were 2 bags. Everybody gave money except me. I have to say that I didn’t understand anything in the mass only a few words like holy, lord or Jesus Christ and a few latin words like amen or aleluya. During the mass I was laughing because I was remembered a joke about a priest told to me by JM (Jorge Mallón, don’t confuse with Jose Mourinho). The joke is something like this: “There is a teenager priest with a pain in his ass who goes to the hospital and says to the nurse: “I’ve got a pain in my ass” and the nurse answered: “quickly, to the priest room”. hahaha
And the last thing was at the end of the mass. The deliver of the Eucharist or the strongest hit (ostias) isn’t given by the priest. It’s given by normal people and everybody goes to eat it except me.
The most incredible thing was that the priest was reading the mass with his tablet. Yes, he used an Ipad. I couldn’t believe it! Oh, my God!! What will happen if during the mass the tablet doesn’t work because it hasn’t batteries?? Only God knows.

Balleycain's church

The front of the church

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