sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013


On Sunday morning as I told you I went to mass and in the afternoon I was at home. The next day was my first day of class. I was a little bit nervous. The classes last 4 hours from 9 to 1 pm. The first person I saw was Natty. She’s from Japan and as with all oriental people she’s very cool. She lives with an Irish family too. We’re between 10-12 people it depends on because a lot of people work as au pair and they usually work in the morning so for that reason isn’t not always the same people in the classroom. We’re from different nationalities although we’re more spanish people. The teacher is Cathal and he’s from Newbridge.
In the afternoon I’m explored the town. I went to the Odeon cinema asking about the prices and timetables and also I was in Tesco extra on Monday. Tesco is a big supermarket that in the past opened 24 hours but now it opens until midnight. It’s 40 minutes by foot from my house.
On Tuesday I went running. Naas is a good place for running because there are a lot of parks and good places for doing exercises. The only big problem is the bad weather. That day the Murphy’s law occured to me. It didn’t rain in the afternoon but I went for running it started to raining. What a fuck bad luck!!
Yours sincerely,

Some of my classmates

The black way

The big Tesco

The council Town

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