jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


Natty's house
On Thursday night I had my first party at Natty’s house. I enjoyed it a lot. There were six of us. Claudia, Silvia (I didn’t know her although she’s studying at Avanti in the evening), Victor and two japanese girls: Natty, who is in my class and Aya, who is studying at Avanti as well. We gathered at 6:30 in Aldi’s car park. Aldi is a supermarket located close to Natty’s house. I had arrived first so I waited for the rest of the people. A few minutes later Silvia and Claudia arrived. We had to call to Natty because she was late. In the end she arrived with her friend. All together we were to her house. It was very beautiful and very cosy. We had the opportunity to meet the hostmum. She’s a lovely person. She’s an English and music teacher and she spoke to me about her previous guest meanwhile the girls were cooking the dinner. The spanish girls prepared a delicious spanish omelette without salt because they forget it. The japanese girls made an amazing oriental food. I can’t tell you the name of the food because I don’t remember it. Victor and I set the table and opened the red wine bottles as gentlemen does. We had dinner late around 10 pm because we didn’t have enough oil and eggs and we had to go back to Aldi to buy more. The girls made an omelette with eleven eggs. Oh my God!! I’ve never seen such a big omelette as that in my life.
During the dinner we were eating and drinking. It was a great dinner. We laughed a lot. The dinner was excelent with marvellous dishes and the company couldn’t  be better. We decided to repeat it again. Probably the next day would be when we have to say goodbye to Victor. The distance from Natty’s house to my house is a little bit far but fortunately Aya lives close to my house and her hostmum picked us up and she gave me a lift. It was late and I tried to sleep but it was impossible because I remembered the dinner and I couldn’t stop laughing.


Making the omelette

For clowns

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