jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013


There’s a pub called “The Court hotel” in Naas that there’s karaoke every Wednesday night.  It’s a good place for drinking and dancing. It’s very big with two floors, nice people and very well-known because a lot of people go there on the weekend. The karaoke starts at 10.30pm until 1.30 pm and after that there’s dance music until 2.30 pm when it  closes. The karaoke is supported by a speaker and he sings the first songs. We celebrated Victor’s leaving party. Victor is a guy from Barcelona. He studied at the same school as me although he only was here for 4 weeks. He’s a very nice guy although he’s sometimes a little bit absent-minded. We’ll miss him. There were six of us. Natty, Claudia, Silvia, Cristina, who works as an intern teacher in some primary school, and Maria, who works as an au-pair. Both of them I hadn’t met either of them before. They are from Spain and so am I. We arrived at 10.00 pm and we had drunk a few paints before we started to sing. There’s a book with the songs and you can choose one of them. It’s very difficult to choose only one because there’re a lot. Fortunately I had decided what song I would sing. The girls chose to sing “wannabe” by Spice Girls. They did very well although the song was quite difficult because the song is very quick. The second performance was given by Victor and I. Both of us sang the song “Imagine” by John Lennon. I like this song but it isn’t a good song for karaoke because it’s very slow but Victor had decided on the song and we sang it. I acted in the third position. I’d decided to sing “I’ll be there for you” by The Rembrants. I like this song because it’s the theme of the serie Friends. I knew the lyrics and for that reason it was easy for me. Everybody gave me congratulations at the end of the song. I think I gave a good performance and the last person who sang was the japanese girl, Natty. I’d made some rules before singing to the karaoke. Rules number 1- the songs have to be very well known 2- nobody should say what song they are going to sing 3- the song has to be in English and the last but not least was that it’s forbidden to take any videos o photos.
Natty broke one of the rules because she sang in Japanese. She did very well but nobody understood what she was saying. To sump up, the night was very funny. Everyone enjoyed it and Victor will have very good memories of that night. At least I hope so. 

All the best,
The Court hotel

Victor and I singing

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