martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013


This is my fourth week working as a football coach and I want to tell you that it’s not easy for me. Yes, you can think is only football and everybody knows about it. It’s true but I have more knowledge than I can explain in English. Sometimes my explanations aren’t good enough. The children understand me just because I always do the demostrations before the drills are done although I’m happy because everyday I feel more confident in myself and I’m able to talk without thinking in Spanish. Last Sunday morning I had a funny anecdote. One of the balls was flat and I wanted to inflate it but I didn’t know what the name of the machine was which inflates the balls. In Spanish it's bomb so I shouted to the coach out: Antho, have you got a bomb? Everybody laughed and in that moment I got it. Imagine that Antho had answered: yes, in fact I have one in my car. Go there. Haha Another anecdote was when I was counting the number of one team and when I finished I said: ok, guys, let’s start, we have the same number of the other team, we have ocho (eight).
I work out two days a week with the club Naas AFC (every Monday and Wednesday from 6 to 8pm) and Sunday morning with kildare academy. Naas fc is trained by Mike. The team is under 11 years old and there are 3 other coaches who help him. The team has 15 players and there are 4 coaches like in Real Madrid and Barcelona. On Monday we work out on the artificial pitch and we usually do tecnique exercises and ball possesions and on Wednesday we do combination activitites on the natural pitch. These days the weather isn’t too bad for training but the bad weather is coming. On Sunday morning I train with 2 teams. The first team is from 10.00 to 12.00 pm. They’re under 10 years old and we do skill exercises like: pass, control, dribling... They are easy exercises. Later at 12.00 pm I work out with a team under 14. Good lads.

It´s a hard morning because it’s a long time outdoors in cold and windy weather. I will get used to it. From my personal point of view the knowledges of the coaches aren’t enough. They have good manners but they make a lot of mistakes. For example, they separate the team into 2 groups: defenders on one side and midfielders and strikers on another side. Football is a team game, why do they separate them?
See you soon,

Naas FC is the white's team

Throw in

Owen is protecting the ball

Trying to get the ball back

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