viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013


On 7th of December we celebrated a Christmas party in the academy. It was my first party in the institute and I´d like to tell you that it was very funny. The party started at 7 pm but I was a little bit late arriving at 7.15 pm. There were a lot of people inside when I arrived. Two brazilian guys were singing portuguese songs while we were eating and chatting. During the week our class was rehearsaling a Christmas carol which we had to sing at the party. The song was "Happy Christmas. The war is over" by John Lennon. I’ve never listened this song in Spain but I have to say that I like it. It’s a catchy song. Firstly we rehearsed the song with the original song and the next days we rehearsed without music only with the sound of the guitar. Cathal, our teacher, plays the guitar and he played the song while we were singing it. There are 7-8 people in class but unfortunately that day there were only 3 of us. Daiana, Cristina and I but we didn’t care. We did it. We sang very well. After that the rest of the people sang two more Christmas songs.
During the party, I met different people who come to the academy in the afternoon and at the weekend. When the food finished. We played a game. The game is “musical chairs” I don’t know what the name is exactely in English but it’s the same game in Spain. There are a lot of chairs together in a circle and the music is playing as people are moving in circle. There is one extra person than there are chairs and when the music is stopped everyone has to sit down. The person who is standing up, lost the game. It continues until one person is the winner. I played but I was out very soon. The winner was a girl. She’s from Norway and she won the prize. The prize was money but I don’t know how much money she won.

When the party in the academy was over everybody went to Grace’s pub. We were celebrating Christmas. We drank a few shots. In the smoking area we met two irish guys. One of them spoke very clear and I could understand him but I couldn’t undestand anything the other one said. He’s from the north of Ireland and he had a strong accent that was quite difficult to understand plus he was drunk. In conclusion we had a very good night and we enjoyed it a lot.

Merry Christmas,
With Jolie and Andrés

With some friends

At Grace´s pub

All students from Avanti school

Spanish students

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