sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013


Christmas in Ireland is a little bit different from Spain. In my Irish house there are a lot of decorations in the house. They have two pines with all kind of decorations like baubles, canes, snowmen, Santa Claus, stars... but they don’t have a crib. Irish people don’t usually put up the crib. They celebrate Christmas day on the 25 of December with a big lunch-dinner. The main course is turkey and the dessert are minced pies. On the 24 of december they don’t do anything special. Some people go the church but nothing more. During the night they give the presents or they leave the presents for the children and they open them the next day. On the 26 of December they´ll celebrate St Stevens day and you might say to me: what’s that? Well, St. Stevens day is the day that people meet with their friends and they go out for drinking and chatting. The pubs that day are crowded with people. At new years eve, they have a special dinner but it isn’t a big dinner and later they go out with the family or with friends.

Irish people don’t celebrate the kings so for them Christmas finishs by New Year day. In fact the winter sales starts on 27-28 of december. One more thing the fool day isn’t on 28 of December like in Spain they celebrate that day on the first day of April. 
Happy New Year and I hope that you have a good one.
Celebrating the last day of the year in the academy

1 comentario:

  1. What´s up? Beautiful table? What about the food? Do you like it? Have a good year in Naas.
