lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


There are some different things in Ireland than in Spain. Nowadays the sun sets at 4.05 pm so at 4.30 it is completely dark. It’s curious but in the evening you can see a lot of people in the street walking with yellow bibs or orange bibs. At the beggining I didn’t understand why the people used them but now I can understand it. There isn’t enough light in the street. You can see only properly on main street but on other streets the light is scarce. You must put a bib on because the cars can run you over if they don’t see you. Another thing is that the ambulances sound is very annoying. You can hear the sound from one side of the town to the other. It’s incredible. The drivers must be deaf. At Christmas the council installs speakers on the main street and you can listen to the christmas carols. One thing that catchs my attention is that people in Ireland don't feel the cold like the spanish people do. I've seen children working out without sweatshirts only wearing shirt on cold days. I usually wear a hat, gloves and neckwarmer but they don't wear anything like that. It's strange, isn't it? Also I've seen girls wearing little dresses without putting coats or warm clothes on at the weekend. We are in winter time, you know. I'd like to see these girls in summer in Spain. They would go out completely naked. The teenagers are two faced in Ireland. On one hand, they are very polite. For example when we finish our work out every child says thank you to all the coaches. Every time they say thanks but on the other hand they are very filfthy. In the main street there is a fast food shop where every child goes and you can see the street full of rubbish. They don't use the waste baskets. It's a pity.
I´m going to tell you that in Tesco metro there is a beggar who plays his accordion outside.I always see him at 9.00 am and at 8.00 pm so he spents all day there. He always plays the same Christmas song. Can you imagine listen the same song during 11 hours every day? Sorry, but I couldn’t do it.

Take care yourself.

Any afternoon in Naas

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