miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014


I'll usually get up at 8.10 am immediately I'll have breakfast. My breakfast consists on milk with chocolate and cornflakes although I'll sometimes have some chocolote muffins. I don't like taking breakfast with coffee. After I have breakfast I´ll upstairs to my room and I'll put my clothes on. At 8.50 am I'll go to the English academy. I'll go to the academy everyday except Friday. It takes only me only 10 minutes to go there. The class runs for 4 hours with a break of 20 minutes. We'll do different activities during the morning. When the class is finished I'll go back home.
I arrive at 13.15 pm I'll usually check my accounts in like facebook and hotmail and I surf the net as well. Thirty minutes later I'll make the meal from 2.30-3.00 pm I try to modify the meals every week although when I'll prepare something I make it for two days so the next day I don't need to make anything. Afterwards I'll usually take a rest I don't like the nap as all spanish people love to do because I spend a lot of time. Only during the weekend I'll take one because I have more free time. At 3.00 pm I'll often go to the library. I prefer to study in the library than my room for two reasons: the first that I don't have a table in my room so for me it's impossible to write properly on the bed and second the library is warmer than my room. I'll study until 6.00 pm because I have my training with the football team until 8.00 pm. It's only Monday and Wednesday. The rest of the week I'm in the library until 7.00-7.30pm. 
After I finish my study or my work out I'll go to Tesco to buy something. At the end of the day the price of some products is discounted and you can buy bargain things. At 8.00-8.30 I'll go running or watch TV until I'll have my dinner at 9.00 pm. At 10.00 pm I'll often watch TV in the dining room or I'll watch some serie on the net or I'll do whatever thing until midnight. At that moment I'll go bed.
Studying room in the library

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