lunes, 27 de enero de 2014


Last week I've decided to do the FCE (first certificate in English – B2). It’s my fourth time that I’ll do it. I think that every time is different and this time will be different too. At the begining I thought to do the CAE because if you fail the exam (but your score is between 45-59), you would have the FCE. And I don’t believe that there is a big difference between one and the other.
Eventually I changed my mind and I’ve decided to do the FCE because preparing for the CAE could take me more time and I don’t have enough time, I want to have an English certificate before May or June.

So I’m going to do the exam on the 8th of March. Even though it looks like far away, it isn’t because times goes quickly here. I can’t believe it but in March I’ll have been living in Naas for 5 months. 

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