jueves, 30 de enero de 2014


One of the most important people in my life is Michael Jordan. When I was a child I was a supporter of the Los Angeles Lakers in the nineties. Magic Johnson was my idol but I have to recognize that Michael Jordan had a special talent. There is no doubt that Jordan has been one of the best sportmen in the world. Recently I’ve read one quote about him. He talks about how important it is to never give up. He won a lot of Championships and MVP (most valuable player, not confuse with Messi-Villa-Pedro) in his life. However, he failed in a lot of matches. During the games he always tried to shoot the last ball. Sometimes he scored the shoot and sometimes he failed it.
I’ve tried to compare my life with his life. Yeah, I know, the only thing that I have in common with Michael Jordan is the name. Nevertheless the comparison is between his games (titles) and my exams (degrees).
I have 3 degrees. My first degree was in Administration in 1998. It took me over 4 years. After that I did a sports degree in 2003. Finishing my degree only took me 3 years and the last one was in 2010. It was education and I did it in 1 year.
What I want to tell you is that I’ve done more than 640 exams in my life. I’ve failed almost 110 exams. 3 times, I’ve done the FCE and failed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

What happens if I don’t pass the exam. Nothing. It’s just an exam. One more in my life.  I’ll try again in May or June. Here, in Spain or Mozambique but the most important thing is never stop. Always keep going. As Rafa Nadal says: Vamos!!!

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