miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014


Last week I played badminton in Naas. Badminton is a sport that I like playing because it's very easy to play and you don’t need to be fit. In addition it's a sport that there isn't contact with your opponent so it's more difficult to be injured. Someone told me that in Naas there's a badminton club and they play at Naas GAA sport centre so I checked on the internet and I saw that they'll play every Monday from 8 to 10 and Thursday from 9 to 11pm. Monday is a bad day for me because I have football training from 6 to 8 and I don't have a car so it is impossible to be on time but yesterday I didn't have work out so I decided to go there. The naas GAA sport centre is a little bit far from my house although I went by foot. It wasn't raining so I didn't mind going. The sport centre has only 3 badminton courts. The ceiling is high and the floor is made of wood so it's perfect for playing badminton although the walls are close to the lines. Not everything could be perfect. I didn't have a racket so I asked for one. Some guy had spare racket and he gave it to me. There were 19 people so what does it mean? It's very simple there were more people than there were courts. In every court only 4 people can play so 7 people had to rest. The rule is: you play one game with any mate and when you finish the game you have to rest. You play around 10-15 minutes and you take a break for 5-7 minutes. I have to tell you that I didn’t like it. I like to play continuously. Another thing that I didn’t like it was that you have to play with any mate. It means that you play with people who are a different level than you are. My level is OK, it isn’t high and it isn’t low. Yesterday I had to play with people who have a very low level. It was very boring. I’m very competitive and I like to win but when I play with people who haven’t enough skill I can’t focus on the game and I can’t stand it. To sum up, the expierence was good. I had the opportunity to look how people play badminton in Naas but I’d change a lot of things about it.

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