miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


On Sunday morning I wanted to go to the church because I think it’s important to listen and improve my English. I went to St. Mary’s church at 11.50 am but nobody was entering to the church and I saw that the building was being repaired so I decided to go to another church I knew that there was one in Balleycain and I tried to go in that direction. I took a shortcut but I got lost. Finally I could found it. The first strange thing for me was that the church was circular like in the circus and the priest was in the middle of the mass.
It’s a small church but a lot of people inside in. Another thing was that in the middle of the mass some people carry a blue bag ( no basket like in Spain) for collecting money and five minutes later another guy does the same but with different bag (red bag). I didn’t know why reason there were 2 bags. Everybody gave money except me. I have to say that I didn’t understand anything in the mass only a few words like holy, lord or Jesus Christ and a few latin words like amen or aleluya. During the mass I was laughing because I was remembered a joke about a priest told to me by JM (Jorge Mallón, don’t confuse with Jose Mourinho). The joke is something like this: “There is a teenager priest with a pain in his ass who goes to the hospital and says to the nurse: “I’ve got a pain in my ass” and the nurse answered: “quickly, to the priest room”. hahaha
And the last thing was at the end of the mass. The deliver of the Eucharist or the strongest hit (ostias) isn’t given by the priest. It’s given by normal people and everybody goes to eat it except me.
The most incredible thing was that the priest was reading the mass with his tablet. Yes, he used an Ipad. I couldn’t believe it! Oh, my God!! What will happen if during the mass the tablet doesn’t work because it hasn’t batteries?? Only God knows.

Balleycain's church

The front of the church

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013


I was picked up by my Irish mother. She’s very nice and talkative so that’s great for me. She works as housewife and she likes doing exercise. Her name is Eileen and her husband is Michael as me because they called me Michael. He’s retired although he was a military. He’s nice too. They have three sons and one daughter. On Sunday they invited me to have lunch and I met Matthiew and Dan, two of the sons. They like football and they suppport of Liverpool and Manchester United as everybody does in this town. Dan is unemployed at the moment and Matthiew is a soldier as his father was.
My room isn’t big but it’s enough for me. The bed is big and I have a bathroom in my room so that’s great. The house is a big house with five rooms and 3 or 4 baths. Also the house has a living room, dining room and laundry room. The lawn is beatiful and big too. The house is well connected to the main streeet and very close to the supermarket called Tesco similar than Mercadona in Spain. The quality isn´t bad and the prices are good.

To sum up, the family are quite friendly and very nice at the moment.

The living room

The kitchen

The dining room

The garden

My room with bath

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


My English academy
On 19 of October I took off from Madrid to Dublin and I had a few problem that day. Firstly, I did my check in properly but my suitcase was overweight. The limit is 20 kg and my suitcase was 21,5 kg and the fucking girl told me that I had to lose weight or I would have to pay extra money and I decided to lose weight as I carried a handbag I put 1,5 of stuff in my handbag.
When I landed at Dublin airport I didn’t know what time it was and I thought that it was 6:30 pm I got on a bus direction to Naas but when I got off my host family weren’t at bus stop as we had agreed the day before. I was angry because it was 7:45 and I told them that at 7:30 pm I would be there and I was late only for a few minutes. It wasn’t my fault. My english academy was in front of the bus stop and there was light on so I decided to go there and the problem was that it wasn’t 7:45 in fact it was 6:45 so for that reason my host family didn’t arrive.

With the suitcases in my hands the manager director told me: exam!! Oh my God!! I thought. I had just arrived at Naas and the director had an exam for me. I couldn’t believe it!. At least my exam wasn’t too bad.

Flying to Dublin

At bus stop in front of my academy

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


Welcome to Naas
Where is Naas?? Naas is located 40 kilometers from Dublin so more or less 30 minutes by car. They are 20.000 inhabitants and it’s well connected to the rest of the cities in Ireland. The county is Kildare and Naas is his capital.

What about Naas? I knew Naas before because I was here twice times. My first time was in 2010 when I worked as a leader of a group of spanish students and the last time was in 2011 doing the same work. So this town is perfect for me. It’s small town with all kinds of facilities like pubs, supermarkes, a cinema, a hospital, gyms, a Mc Donalds... and the most important thing the people. People in Naas are very friendly and cool.
Kindest regards,


The library

The main street

Pub and fast food shop

The blue house

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


The way
It’s my quote “What happens in Naas, stays in Naas” like Las Vegas’ quote. I’ll try to explain my experiences in Naas to you but I couldn’t tell everything about my new life because this blog it is done for eveybody and there are some things that I can’t tell you. You understand me, don’t you? If you want to know more about something you just only have to write me an email and I’ll tell you.

Peace and love.


The view of Naas

The walls


Last Friday I held my leaving party. It was my last day in Burgos and I decided to celebrate it. My friends and I met at 9:00 pm and we enjoyed with the meeting. I want to say thanks to Torres (Tower, the crazy man) for your hospitality and say thanks to all my friends and their wives that were there with me in my last day in Burgos. Also I’d like to thank to the rest all my friends and family who called me and gave me their best wishes and told me I have a good time in Ireland. Thanks to everybody.
Some of my friends
No doubt the best moment of the party was when I received my present. I didn’t want anything and it was a surprise to me. I know that my friends are very dirty minded and I expected the worst from them but fortunately I received one the best presents that one can receive when you are abroad. The present was a hip flask (is a steel bottle which you put alcohol into). That was so perfect because the price of alcohol in Ireland is too expensive. So I promise when I use it I’ll remember them.

Kind regards.

My friend "The hip flask"


Firstly, I’d like to say to you is that this text is written in English. Sorry about guys that  but don’t worry if you don’t understand anything because you can use the google translator if you want. I know it’s not the same but at least you cant understand what I want to tell you.
Writing the blog
I’ll try to write one text a week, maybe more it depends on my time and my mood. Secondly, I chose this title when I saw an advertisement for Coca-Cola entitled “Chairs”. If you haven’t see it yet I recommend that you see it. It’s a very good advertisement as usual as it’s made by Coca-Cola. I liked it and for that reason I chose this title. What if we stand up? Let’s move on. I hope that you enjoy reading my blog as I’m doing it.

Cheers and ssssoft!!!
