domingo, 27 de abril de 2014


We decided to get together the next day but in this case the plan was to go to Dublin and go to the zoo. I’m not a person who likes to visit zoos. It’s not my cup of tea but it was a perfect excuse to go to Dublin with friendly people. As I expected the zoo wasn’t big. It’s a small one but it was ok. The mayority of animal were lying down. I think that it was because of the weather. They were lazy so we couldn’t see anything interesting. It was a write off. At midafternoon we went to the city center. We went to Temple Bar. As it is usual there were a lot of people there. Great atmosphere as you can imagine.
We were exhausted therefore we took a rest. We went to Fistsamon pub and we rested until 6.00 pm. At that time the bus departed to Naas. The girls went back to Naas but I decided to stay a little more time in Dublin. It was probably my last time in the capital of Ireland and I wanted to go shopping. Two hours later I took the bus but it happened to me something strange.
I was waiting in the queue to get on the bus when I heard the bus driver saying to everyone that he doesn’t have change or at least I thought that but the people went on getting on the bus. When it was my turn I told him “one ticket to Naas, please” and he asked “single or return”. I took my time (because I wasn’t sure if my ticket was single or return) and after 3 seconds he yelled at me again “SINGLE OR RETURN”. He was very rude to me as a result I answered him “single” and in that moment I gave him 10 euros. The cost of the ticket was 6.90 euros and he gave the ticket to me but he didn’t give the money back to me. He wrote down on the ticket 3.10 euros. I asked him what it meant? But he answered something that I couldn’t understand. Anyway, I sat down in my seat and I was thinking about how I can recover my money.

Fortunately, I had 2 € more in my pocket so when we arrived at Naas I gave him 2 euros and he gave me back 5 € althought there were more people waiting for the money back. I don’t think the people can recover their money but one thing I’m sure and it is that the bus driver was very unpleasant. He pissed on my beautiful day.

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