miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014


I can't tell you how much I appreciate
everything  she had done for me
It has been 10 days since I said goodbye to Daiana and Claudia. The 28 th of March was the last day that they were in Naas. On Friday morning, Shane, who is the manager of the academy gave the English’s certificate to Daiana and Claudia and everyone had the opportunity to say goodbye to them. Although I didn’t do it until the night where we met up at Grace’s pub.
In the afternoon, I gave a letter to Daiana and I also made a video for her with some photos. I put all the pictures that we’re in together and I put music in. It was pretty cool. She liked it. I think it was a nice present. I have to say that she’s very special to me. We spent a lot of time together. We both made a great effort with the FCE exam. Whatever the find result is, she deserves to pass the exam. Her progress and effort was great and admirable. We shared great and wonderful moments together. It’s a pity she isn’t here. I wish she was here. Although, wherever she is and whatever she does I wish her all my best.
What about Claudia? Claudia is a good egg as well. She’s jolly and an open minded girl. I’m sure that she’ll find a job soon and she’ll be happy. Good luck, Claudia.
The vast majority of the school were in Grace´s pub that night. It was the last goodbye. We were sharing secrets and anecdotes. A great night. Daiana’s flight was at 6.30 am so she was the first girl to say goodbye to everyone. It was an emotional moment. She had been living in Ireland for over 1 year. So many friends and experiences.
I decided to go along with her to her house. I was terribly sad. My best friend is gone. I´ll never her see again. At least, I had the opportunity to know her but it wasn’t enough. That’s the life. People in and out of your life even though some of them should enter forever not jus for a few short time. It’s not fair!! Even so, who knows? Someday we can see each other again. I hope and wish it.

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