lunes, 14 de abril de 2014


I have English lessons from Monday to Thrusday. It means that Friday is my day off. What do I do on Friday? There’s nothing I like more than staying in bed for more time. I usually get up at 8.15 am but on Friday it is the exception because I get up a little bit later and I usually read in bed for 30 minutes. Later I go to the library because that day is the only day it’s open in the mornings. I’m there until 1 pm and later I go home.
Last Friday I was in the library as I usually do but I finished earlier because I had an appoinment with Angela after her break time in the school. Therefore, I went to the canteen to meet up with her. Angela is preparing for the FCE as I did and I have been her with it. The idea was to practise the speaking part but when I arrived there she told me that Shane, the manager, wanted to talk with me. What did I do? What happened? I asked her but she didn’t want to say anything to me. “Go to talk with Shane”, she said again.
Congratulations!! Shane told me. Congratulations, for what?? I answered him. You have passed the FCE exam. In that moment, I didn’t know what to do or what to say. I didn’t expect the result until, at least, next week. Thanks, I answered, and Daiana? I asked him. She failed, he told me but she made a great effort. We are proud of her.
It was a pity, I thought. She deserved to pass the exam but I’m sure that the next time she’ll pass it. I’m not in any doubt about that. Shane and Shiori, immediately gave the result paper to me. My score was 63 but it wasn’t important. The really important thing was that I had passed the exam.
In that moment, I was thinking about other important exams that I did in the past and how it was for me to pass them. I thought, the practicum of driver license or the subject politics in the bachelor’s degree in public administration and management. I remember doing it seven times until finally I passed it.
Anyway, getting back to the point, I went to the canteen I gave a hug to Angela. I couldn’t believe it!! At least, I had passed the FCE. Afterwards, Olibhe, my teacher and the rest of my classmates congratulated me. I felt the happiest person in the world. I was over the moon. January and February were very hard. I had studied a lot. I made a great effort. I deserved it.

My best part of the exam as I had imaged it was writing. Consequently, I can say that doing this blog helped me to pass the exam.

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