domingo, 27 de abril de 2014


We decided to get together the next day but in this case the plan was to go to Dublin and go to the zoo. I’m not a person who likes to visit zoos. It’s not my cup of tea but it was a perfect excuse to go to Dublin with friendly people. As I expected the zoo wasn’t big. It’s a small one but it was ok. The mayority of animal were lying down. I think that it was because of the weather. They were lazy so we couldn’t see anything interesting. It was a write off. At midafternoon we went to the city center. We went to Temple Bar. As it is usual there were a lot of people there. Great atmosphere as you can imagine.
We were exhausted therefore we took a rest. We went to Fistsamon pub and we rested until 6.00 pm. At that time the bus departed to Naas. The girls went back to Naas but I decided to stay a little more time in Dublin. It was probably my last time in the capital of Ireland and I wanted to go shopping. Two hours later I took the bus but it happened to me something strange.
I was waiting in the queue to get on the bus when I heard the bus driver saying to everyone that he doesn’t have change or at least I thought that but the people went on getting on the bus. When it was my turn I told him “one ticket to Naas, please” and he asked “single or return”. I took my time (because I wasn’t sure if my ticket was single or return) and after 3 seconds he yelled at me again “SINGLE OR RETURN”. He was very rude to me as a result I answered him “single” and in that moment I gave him 10 euros. The cost of the ticket was 6.90 euros and he gave the ticket to me but he didn’t give the money back to me. He wrote down on the ticket 3.10 euros. I asked him what it meant? But he answered something that I couldn’t understand. Anyway, I sat down in my seat and I was thinking about how I can recover my money.

Fortunately, I had 2 € more in my pocket so when we arrived at Naas I gave him 2 euros and he gave me back 5 € althought there were more people waiting for the money back. I don’t think the people can recover their money but one thing I’m sure and it is that the bus driver was very unpleasant. He pissed on my beautiful day.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


Last Thursday I couldn’t go to school because I was a little bit sad about the match that I watched on Wednesday. There’s nothing worse than losing against Real Madrid in a final. My favorite team, Barcelona CF, played horribly. I can’t remember the last time that I watched them to play so badly.
Anyway, on Thrusday was the beginning of the Easter holidays and in the evening we went to Mc. Cormack’s. It’s a place located in the main street. I’ve only been twice but I think it’s a good pub, at least, there were a great atmosphere inside.
There were plenty of students. I met new students from the evening classes. Nice people. That night we decided to arrange for the next day. On Friday, the weather was spectacular. It was probably one of the best days since I’ve been here. In fact, it was so warn that I burnt my forehead. Yeah, I know it sounds weird. How can I burn my face in Ireland? Is it possible? It could be false but it’s true. The sun shone and I didn’t put any suncream on and I think the first sunshine is the worst for my skin. Consequently, I have a peeled forehead.

We went up at the Canal at 12:30 and we went for a walk. We walked along the Canal until Sallins. Later we went to the big Tesco and we bought something to eat. Afterwards we had lunch in Monread Park. Natty carried a board game called Scrabble. It consists of creating any word with 7 letters. It was funny and very different because we had to think of the words in English but I believe it’s good for improving our English. After finishing the game we went back to the main street. The day had been hard but very amusing. The next day we went to the zoo.

Playing Scrabble

Monread Park

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014


I have English lessons from Monday to Thrusday. It means that Friday is my day off. What do I do on Friday? There’s nothing I like more than staying in bed for more time. I usually get up at 8.15 am but on Friday it is the exception because I get up a little bit later and I usually read in bed for 30 minutes. Later I go to the library because that day is the only day it’s open in the mornings. I’m there until 1 pm and later I go home.
Last Friday I was in the library as I usually do but I finished earlier because I had an appoinment with Angela after her break time in the school. Therefore, I went to the canteen to meet up with her. Angela is preparing for the FCE as I did and I have been her with it. The idea was to practise the speaking part but when I arrived there she told me that Shane, the manager, wanted to talk with me. What did I do? What happened? I asked her but she didn’t want to say anything to me. “Go to talk with Shane”, she said again.
Congratulations!! Shane told me. Congratulations, for what?? I answered him. You have passed the FCE exam. In that moment, I didn’t know what to do or what to say. I didn’t expect the result until, at least, next week. Thanks, I answered, and Daiana? I asked him. She failed, he told me but she made a great effort. We are proud of her.
It was a pity, I thought. She deserved to pass the exam but I’m sure that the next time she’ll pass it. I’m not in any doubt about that. Shane and Shiori, immediately gave the result paper to me. My score was 63 but it wasn’t important. The really important thing was that I had passed the exam.
In that moment, I was thinking about other important exams that I did in the past and how it was for me to pass them. I thought, the practicum of driver license or the subject politics in the bachelor’s degree in public administration and management. I remember doing it seven times until finally I passed it.
Anyway, getting back to the point, I went to the canteen I gave a hug to Angela. I couldn’t believe it!! At least, I had passed the FCE. Afterwards, Olibhe, my teacher and the rest of my classmates congratulated me. I felt the happiest person in the world. I was over the moon. January and February were very hard. I had studied a lot. I made a great effort. I deserved it.

My best part of the exam as I had imaged it was writing. Consequently, I can say that doing this blog helped me to pass the exam.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014


I can't tell you how much I appreciate
everything  she had done for me
It has been 10 days since I said goodbye to Daiana and Claudia. The 28 th of March was the last day that they were in Naas. On Friday morning, Shane, who is the manager of the academy gave the English’s certificate to Daiana and Claudia and everyone had the opportunity to say goodbye to them. Although I didn’t do it until the night where we met up at Grace’s pub.
In the afternoon, I gave a letter to Daiana and I also made a video for her with some photos. I put all the pictures that we’re in together and I put music in. It was pretty cool. She liked it. I think it was a nice present. I have to say that she’s very special to me. We spent a lot of time together. We both made a great effort with the FCE exam. Whatever the find result is, she deserves to pass the exam. Her progress and effort was great and admirable. We shared great and wonderful moments together. It’s a pity she isn’t here. I wish she was here. Although, wherever she is and whatever she does I wish her all my best.
What about Claudia? Claudia is a good egg as well. She’s jolly and an open minded girl. I’m sure that she’ll find a job soon and she’ll be happy. Good luck, Claudia.
The vast majority of the school were in Grace´s pub that night. It was the last goodbye. We were sharing secrets and anecdotes. A great night. Daiana’s flight was at 6.30 am so she was the first girl to say goodbye to everyone. It was an emotional moment. She had been living in Ireland for over 1 year. So many friends and experiences.
I decided to go along with her to her house. I was terribly sad. My best friend is gone. I´ll never her see again. At least, I had the opportunity to know her but it wasn’t enough. That’s the life. People in and out of your life even though some of them should enter forever not jus for a few short time. It’s not fair!! Even so, who knows? Someday we can see each other again. I hope and wish it.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014


On the 22 nd. of March, we celebrated Claudia and Daiana’s leaving party in my house. Two weeks before I asked my hostmum if I could have a party in the house. At the beginning she didn’t like the idea too much because I said to her that there will be around 15 people. My idea was to have a barbacue party in the garden. They have an enormeous and beautiful garden with a barbacue included. I thought that it’ll be a great idea.
Eventually she agreed to it. From the moment I started to organise the party. I said to everyone that I was organising a barbacue party for Daiana’s and Claudia’s leaving in my house and they were invited.
As I previously mentioned, the first idea was to have a barbacue party if the weather was good, in other words, if it wasn’t raining. During that week I was watching the weather on the Internet and it was getting worse so finally we had to have the party inside. Everybody brought something to eat or drink. For instance, Nora made a Spanish omelette, Claudia made a chocolate cake, Natty made sushi. Others students brought drinks. In conclusion, everybody brought something.
In addition, we put a pot of money together to buy something more. With that money I bought chicken, pizzas, chips and more beers just in case. I made fajitas, nachos and also I made a Spanish omelette.
For that special moment I decorated the place as well. The dining room is spacious and comfortable for everyone but it needed to be decorated. I bought a yellow sheet of cardboard which I wrote a message on for them, I also cut their names out from the card and I put them on the wall. I also bought balloons and shamrock decorations. In short, the dining room looked more funny and colourful.
The party started at 5 pm and everyone was punctual. We put all the food on the table and we began to eat it. Everything was delicious and tasty. My hostmum made a Pavola cake it was tasty. After we finished the dinner, we started to drink and dance. The party was successful. Everyone enjoyed it a lot. We took some pictures with Daiana and Claudia. It was a special moment. Two of my best friends were going back to their countries.
We finished the party at 10.30 pm, however, the party went on in the Court Hotel. All of us went there. We were dancing and drinking until 2.00 pm. At that time my body said “stop”. The day had been long and I was tired. Even so, I felt satisfied because everything had been fantastic. The leaving party had been a success, however, I was dissapointed just because in one week I’m never going to see Daiana again. I’ll never forget her.

It was time to have dinner

At the Court Hotel

Enjoying the party

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014


The blog that I wrote the latest it isn't true. It was a joke. On Tuesday was the April fools' day that it means is the innocent's day. In Spain we celebrate this day on the 28 th. of December. So, happy April fool's day to everyone!!! hahaha

martes, 1 de abril de 2014


I don’t know what I do. I have a big, personal problem and I don’t know how I can solve it. I’ll tell you the story. If you were me, what would you do??
Last Sunday morning I was training with the children as I do every Sunday. Everything was going perfectly until the last exercise. Damn it!!
I’d prepared an exercise which it consists of maintaing the football without losting it. It’s a possession drill. I explained it and I showed the demostration with three players and I. We were playing the drill when suddenly the football was between one player and I. I, firstly, hit the ball but the boy put his leg at the same time. Unfortunately, I hit the leg’s boy as well. It wasn’t hard but the boy started to cry.
He, immediately, brought their hands to his leg. He didn’t stop crying and yelling. Everybody was alarmed. I tried to calm him down but it wasn’t possible. It was getting worse. I didn’t know what to do.
Suddenly, I could see his leg. It wasn’t normal. His right shin was injured. Oh, my God!! It had broken. I didn’t do it on purpose. It was an accident. Poor little boy.
The rest of the coaches were calling to his parents. They appeared in 30 minutes and a few minutes later an ambulance came. The boy went straight to the hospital. The head coach said to me: don’t worry, it wasn’t your fault. But I was anxious. You know. Different country, different language. Nothing that the coach said to me was enough to alleviate my sorrow.
In the afternoon, I was thinking over and over again what I did. Why am I? What did I do wrong? What could I do? A lot of questions, no answers. Actually, it was an accident. It was bad luck. This kind of things happen sometimes.
However, the worst part was coming yesterday. I received an email from the parent’s boy. They told me that his child has broken his leg and he has to be operated on. The cost of the operation is over 3000 euros and they aren’t going to pay anything. They told me that it was my fault and they want me to pay for all the operation. They told with their lawyers and if I don’ pay it, they call to the police. They are threatening me.

Really, I don’t know what to do but I’m in big trouble.