domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014


Last week I was in Hayden’s pub. We went there because we wanted to learn how to Irish dance. Anyway, the place is typical in Irish, with people chatting and drinking beer. To tell the truth I went there just to drink and see how people dance because I don’t like dancing too much. Apparently, it isn’t difficult.
There was an Irish guy who taught us a few steps. At the beginning I tried it but quite honestly it was boring. I prefer another kind of music. No doubt, I have hot blood. Haha. At least, I tried it. To be honest, it was easy. I thought that it will be difficult but you only have to move your feet forward and back. So to speak, it’s like doing aerobics but with different music.
The night started at 9.00 pm. For me, obviously, it was early because I usually have dinner at 9.30 pm. So basically, I had dinner before. We went with the school. It was a social programme and there were a lot of us. They stood us a beer.
As I was saying, I danced only for the first 20 minutes. Afterwards, I was chatting with the Spanish girls in the smoking area. We talked about Claudia and Daiana’s leaving party. The idea is to have a barbacue party. I mean, with hamburgers, sausages, bacon, french fries.. but the only and main problem is the weather. Quite honestly, we’ll have to change the idea. We’ll see it.
Anyway, getting back to what I was saying about the night in Hayden’s. I’d like to say that some of us we enjoying it, specially the japanese girls. However, others, like me, went on chatting. Moreover, the pub offered us a portion of pizza. There were very nice to us. I’m grateful. It was a good idea. Natty, took pictures and I recorded a video although the images aren’t good because thre wasn’t enough light. Therefore, I had to delete the video. It was rubbish. Finally, I said goodbye to everybody and I went home.

So, in conclusion the night was really good. I learned some Irish steps and I spent a few hours in good company.

Ñan, ñan.. tasty pizza

Sandra dancing

Chatting and drinking in the smoking area

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