martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


Daiana and myself
The day of the exam I got up early. It was roughly 6.30 am and I didn’t sleep well. You know. I was thinking of doing the exam properly. Fortunately, Daiana’s host mum gave us a lift to the university. The exam took place at UCD university in Dublin. As I told you in the previous blog the FCE lasted 4 hours. We started at 9.00 am and we finished around 3 pm. There were 2 shorts breaks between each part and a big break to have lunch. The vast majority of people were from Spain. It looked like Madrid. Everybody talked Spanish and most surprising was that they were very young people, in their twenties. Even I saw a tiny percentage of them under 18. Unbelievable!!!
When we finished doing the exam, we went to Dublin. Daiana had an arrangement with Manon. She’s a girl from France who had studied in the summer. They went shopping but I prefered to go back to Naas. I was tired and I needed to rest.
I arrived at Naas at 5.30 pm and I took a nap. I was so exhausted. Later I arranged to meet the girls at Eddie Rockets. Eddie Rocket’s is a fast food restaurant similar to Foster Hollywood in Spain. There were Daiana, Cristina, Manon and I.

Afterwards we went to Grace’s. We were there only one hour and after we went to the Court Hotel. We were drinking and dancing. I heard the song “Macarena”. I couldn’t believe it. It was 15 years ago the last time I heard that song. People were dancing to it. It was so funny!!! In the end, Daiana and I went home early because we both were tired. The day had been long and hard.

Daiana, Manon and Cristina

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